Generate is not your everyday branched amino acid (BCAA) supplement, but rather features all nine essential amino acids (EAA) to Assist stimulate muscle Development and enhance recovery.
Features All 9 Essential Amino Acids
Lean Muscle Aid
Aid Recovery
1. To bring into existence; cause to be; produce.
2. To create by a vital or natural process.
3. To create and distribute vitally and profusely.
This Isn’t Your Everyday Branched Amino Acid (Bcaa) Supplement.
Generate Features All 9 Essential Amino Acids (Eaa) To Assist Stimulate Muscle Development And Enhance Recovery.
You've Been Lied To
We’ve heard it too: “BCAA’s are all you need for muscle recovery!” Unfortunately that sentiment is for those who preach older research or sports nutrition companies clinging onto old products and fearing change.
Let’s break it down in an analogy: BCAA’s act as the “light-switch” to muscle Development, mainly due to the very anabolic amino acid: Leucine. Consume BCAA’s and flip the switch and all is well right? Sorry, but you need an electrical current to complete the “circuit.”
EAA’s are your missing piece - the “electrical current.” Truth is, you need all of the essential amino acids present in order to properly build muscle tissue and recover at your best. When combined, BCAA’s and EAA’s work synergistically by providing both the “electrical current” and the “switch” for muscle Development. We know you’re here to build muscle (why else would you be reading this?) and ask any professional in the space and they will all tell you how important muscle recovery is.
It's no secret
To train like a pro, you need to recover like a pro.
The better you recover and the more often you can train at your best, the better your results will be. The consumption of both BCAA’s and EAA’s during and after training is the best protocol for those looking to inhibit muscle protein breakdown and stimulate muscle protein synthesis. In scientific research, it has been shown that both BCAA and EAA consumption is superior to increase protein synthesis than just BCAA supplementation alone.
When muscle protein synthesis is consistently greater than protein breakdown is
Adults take one scoop per day. Ensure to drink enough fluid before, during, and after exercise. Mix product well in 1-2 cups of liquid (cold water juice, etc.) immediately before consumption (during or after your training session).
Consult a health Wellness-Care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not use if seal is broken. Security feature is self evident.