All orders should arrive within 1-10* business days anywhere in the United States after processing is completed at our warehouse. Once your order is processed, you will receive an email with your tracking number, which can also be tracked by logging into your Healthy Planet Account.

*Delivery times are approximate and based on information from shipping carriers. Healthy Planet USA cannot control carrier-related delays, especially during the Holiday Season when carriers may take longer to process shipments. The delivery date of your order depends on when it leaves our warehouse, the destination address, and the chosen shipping method. For select items, an Estimated Delivery Date is offered during checkout. Estimated Delivery Dates are calculated based on item availability, processing time in our warehouse, your selected shipping method, and the shipping destination. Please note that Estimated Delivery Dates are estimates only and are not guaranteed.

Shipping Discounts & Costs

Save on shipping! In the U.S., you qualify for FREE shipping** if your order is $100 or more before tax. Free shipping is automatically applied during checkout—just select the appropriate shipping option. For orders under $100, shipping is Approximately $22 (USD). Orders placed after 8:00 am*** or on weekends will typically ship the following business day.

**Please note that orders shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and remote U.S. locations may incur additional shipping charges based on weight and destination. Due to increased costs, we must apply this fee for certain areas to keep our prices affordable. Some products may not qualify for free shipping; this will be indicated on the product page. Additionally, orders over $100 may not qualify for free shipping based on weight or destination. In such cases, a member of our customer support team will contact you.

***Eastern Standard Time for all orders

Low Stock or Backordered Items If an item is low in stock or on backorder, we offer the following options: 1. Hold your order and ship once the missing product(s) are back in stock. 2. Provide a refund or credit for the missing product(s). If an error is made in the shipping address, and the parcel returns to us, we may charge the return shipping cost and the cost to reship.

Note: During holidays and the holiday season, orders may experience delays beyond the estimated shipping times.

Disclaimer: Please note that all liquids in glass containers delivered through USPS are not insured and are sent at the recipient's risk.

Shipping Internationally

All International Shipping options and costs will be determined according to weight and destination at the time of check out. Add and save your shipping address to get this quote.

All International orders are shipped via DHL or Canada Post. Any additional custom clearance fees, tariffs, and charges are the responsibility of the customer. Healthy Planet absolves itself from delays in customs. Please note that all International and USA orders are final.

Correspondence with international customers outside the USA will be done via emails only.

Note: During the holiday season and statuary holidays, orders may be delayed beyond the shipping times indicated. 

Disclaimer: Please be advised that all liquids in glass containers delivered through Canada Post may not be insured and are shipped at the risk of the recipient.

 Healthy Planet. Your source to healthy living!

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